It’s been a funny few days. I haven’t gone off the rails, descended into a giant binge or drifted from my goal but I have been disorganised. Apart from Friday night…..

On Friday afternoon, still mildly in the grip of cravings that I couldn’t seem to quell altogether, despite having had a good breakfast, I decided to stop fighting it and instead, plan for it. I had a really good think about what it was I wanted, what would satisfy my want for food indulgence, without leaving me feeling dashed afterwards.

It took a little while of thinking while I did other things but I finally had it. A really good BBQ. With several different sorts of meat. and ice cream with fruit for dessert. Mmmm

So, I went shopping and later my family were treated to a royal feast. We had Thai chicken sausages (low fat, they didn’t know), steak, marinated lamb, pork steak and tiny burger patties (also low fat).

To go with this, we had vege skewers, which I assembled from chopped capsicum, squash, zucchini and mushroom. Also on the menu were corn on the cob, barbecued and a small amount of chips, oven cooked.

If this sounds like a lot of food, that’s because it was. Though it has to be said that the amounts of meat were maybe less than you’re imagining.

Later we had Weiss ice-cream bars, at 80 calories a go, followed by a small plate each of watermelon, pawpaw and mango.

By the end of the night, snuggled on the couch with my family, coffee in hand, watching a movie, I was completely and totally full and cured of any further need to binge. Or even to think about bingeing.

The thing is….that on my plate that night….there was a chicken sausage, corn cob, a few chips, a small part of each other sort of meat and a couple of vege skewers. And I stopped before it was all gone. Because I didn’t need to eat until I felt sick, I just needed that feeling of indulgence. It’s something of triumph actually. I didn’t go overboard. I planned it and I felt good about it…and my family were glad of it too.

I imagine that some people will read this and wonder what all the fuss is about but losing weight and getting fit, as far as I can tell, requires getting past the psychological hurdles we set up for ourselves as much as doing the practical stuff which will get us to our goal.

I know that there are times in my cycle when I feel more hungry, less energetic, needing more comforting things. Now I also know that I can handle it, that I didn’t fall.

Oh, and before I forget, I discovered Cauliflower Rice and it’s delicious and has many fewer calories than white rice rice. (24 calories as opposed to 160 calories per 100 grams)

Here’s the video I got the recipe from. I cooked it for two minutes, covered, in the microwave, instead of adding oil or butter. Still yummo.

and here’s what it looked like in my bowl, with Red Chicken Curry 🙂
