Tag Archive: weigh-in

Waking At The Computer

I fell asleep last night, hands poised to write a post. Goodness knows what I’d been about to say. Whatever it was, I was too tired as it turned out and when I woke this morning, snuggled under my duvet, my pillow was perilously close to the (thankfully closed) laptop. That’ll teach me not to take my laptop to bed!

The last couple of days have mostly consisted of work and making soap. Or looking at pictures of soap made by other people. Or seeing what I can do with the large amount of paper pulp left over from our paper making exploits.

It’s weigh-in day today and I don’t want to do it. There are other things I could say about that but I won’t. I’ll just do it and make some sort of decision.

So, work again this morning, my list of clients grew much faster than I’d realised it would, and while it’s a great thing to have work and to feel useful in a different way than before, I need to find a balance I think. So for the moment, I’ve asked that we hold off adding any more.  I want to earn money and still have time to be with the people I love.

My new soap rack and the most recent soaps :-) Bottom left; Black and white salt soap. Bottom right; Cocoa Macadamia, Top right; Essential oil blend, with rose petals.

My new soap rack and the most recent soaps 🙂 Bottom left; Black and white salt soap. Bottom right; Cocoa Macadamia, Top right; Essential oil blend, with rose petals.


Here’s to a wonderful day for us all! 🙂







Weighing In

I weighed in this morning. I lost almost half a kilo, or a pound.

In tiny increments, I have made it to two stone down from my original weight. Or 28.82lbs, or 13.1 kg…..

As Dory from ‘Finding Nemo’ says; “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming” 🙂


Weigh-In 8

I haven’t exercised properly this week and I let myself get tired and discouraged, so this morning, the last thing I wanted to do was stand on the scales and then report it here.

I feel cross with myself. I haven’t been doing my best and as a result, I’ve felt lost with it.

So imagine my surprise when I looked down and saw that not only have I not put on weight but I’m actually 800g lighter! almost a kilo! Which brings my total to 8.1 kg lighter than when I started. Hooray!

All that angst and self flagellation…..

So this morning I’m off to walk with Natalie, I’ve taken chicken out of the freezer, to make Zac’s request. Lemon and garlic chicken breasts with salad and I’m going to try to remember not to be complacent but not to berate myself about things either. 🙂


For the end of week 6…so, not confusing at all then…. 🙂

I might have mentioned that I haven’t been counting my calories this week, even though I’ve been eating good food. It was sort of an experiment,  to see whether I have a handle on it yet.
The answer is (drum roll please…) that it needs more work. This week I lost a weirdly specific 200g…..
It’s something to add to the mounting weight loss triumph but I can do better.
Okay,  I’m 6 weeks into the 12 week program and I need to reassess, go back to basics I think. The first thing is water intake. I’ve been a bit slack on making sure I have enough and I’ve been feeling thirsty. Good, that’s easy enough.
Next, writing down what I’m eating. I haven’t been doing it since our holiday. I got a bit complacent I think. So, this week everything gets written down.
Lastly, exercise. I’m at the end of a week where I didn’t exercise every day, which is what I had been doing before.  Even a kilometre or two is better than nothing.

Get Organised

De-clutter your life to give you more time to do the things you want to do


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The Natural Bar Soap Company



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Produce with Amy

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My Weigh To Lose

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